Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring Bouquet

Each week brings a new flower into my spring bouquet. The most gorgeous bright pink rhododendrons are brightening up my kitchen, while lilacs are in bloom just outside my windows--their fragrance is heavenly!

For Mother's Day weekend my cottage held eight bouquets of wildflowers! Belmont County has amazing wildflowers that will bloom all spring and summer. Blankets of tiny blooms cover the landscape in early spring--warmed by sunlight passing through bare trees. Spring green leaves will eventually filter the sunshine as they grow and deepen in color, leaving the tiny wildflowers to disappear until next year.

The cottage is my haven and I count the days until each visit...usually every other weekend (if I can wait that long). Days at the cottage are filled with friends, food, rest and relaxation. Everyone should have such a tranquil place to retreat.

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