Saturday, April 5, 2008

Signs of Spring

They say that "spring bursts forth", but in reality it gently unfolds. Short, green leaves have emerged from tulip, lilac, and daffodil bulbs. They will grow steadily in the increasing warmth of the sunshine. Buds have appeared on trees, becoming bigger and more abundant by the day. Soon, blossoms will appear with just a hint of color...gradually opening up to reveal the beauty of their pastel colors. Slowly, steadily, without fail, all new life will emerge in a symphony of color and fragrance!

Birds are flitting about...singing and building nests. Squirrels are running up and down trees. Neighbors are working in their yards...picking up twigs and cleaning out flower beds. Next week the water will be turned on at the cottages in Epworth Park!

Alas, everything awakens after a long winter's nap. April is a glorious month!

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