Saturday, March 8, 2008

Latitude 40

Columbus, Ohio shares it's location along latitude 40 with cities such as Philadelphia, Denver, Beijing, and Madrid. Though spring doesn't officially begin until March 20, in Columbus we celebrate the end of winter when we turn our calendars from February to March. With the worst two months behind us, we're ready to start looking for any sign at all of a spring equinox. So when a blizzard pummeled us with 20" of snow today, I'm thinking, "Hey, this isn't fair!"

March is the battle ground between winter and spring. Winter delivers the first snowy blow and spring melts it away. Winter may try again, weaker this time, but spring will fight back. In the end, spring emerges the victor!

Meanwhile, I will continue my winter activities...reading, writing, card-making. Yes, the snow is beautiful, but all I want to do with winter is 'fuhgedaboudit'!